Sierra Club

"Ignorado" ["Ignored"]
30 sec. TV spot run on Univision in CA, FL, IL and NM starting Sept. 19, 2000.

Doak, Carrier, O'Donnell & Assoc.

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Male Announcer: Como Gobernador, George W. Bush ha ignorado los problemas de contaminación del aire en Texas.

Lupe Cordova: La calidad del aire en nuestra comunidad esta llena de polución.

El Gobernador George W. Bush apoya a las compañías industriales--como la que esta aquí detrás de mi.  Estas compañías contribuyen a la polución del aire--afectando la salud de mis hijos.

Male Announcer: Llame a George W. Bush.  Digale que se oponga propuestos de ley en el Congreso, que debiliten las sanciones por contaminar el aire.

Male Announcer: As Governor, George W. Bush has ignored the air pollution problems in Texas.

Lupe Cordova: The quality of the air in our community is full of pollution.

Governor George W. Bush supports the industrial companies--like the ones behind me.  These companies contribute to the pollution in the air--that affects the health of my children.

Male Announcer: Call George W. Bush.  Tell him to oppose bills in Congress that weaken clean air penalties.


Background:  This ad features Lupe Cordova of Woodland Acres, Texas.  According to the Sierra Club, Woodland Acres is in the Houston Ship Channel, which "is one of the most polluted places in America."  Further, "Ms. Cordova's daughter suffers from sever asthma attacks triggered by air pollution from a nearby chemical plant."  The legislation in Congress referred to is S.1053.