Bauer for President 2000, Inc.

"The American Project"
30 sec. TV spot.

Edmonds Associates, Inc.


Gary Bauer (voice over and on camera):  Throughout history our greatest presidents understood that America is about expanding the circle of human rights and dignity, 

from freedom of religion to the emancipation of slaves; from civil rights to equal opportunities for women.

I'm Gary Bauer.  

For 20 years I've fought to extend to unborn children the most basic of human rights.  

I won't stop until every one of God's children is welcomed into the world and protected by the law.

Male Announcer: Gary Bauer for President.  Advancing America's Values.


Imagery: Opens with the Lincoln Memorial, a churchyard, the Emancipation Proclamation.  Footage shot in front of the Lincoln Memorial: the camera pans from a woman with a stroller to show Bauer talking; he then bends over to be in the same frame as the baby.  Closes with graphic.