Bush-Cheney 2000, Inc.

Spanish Education ad 
30 sec. TV spot  run in Albuquerque, NM and Miami, Orlando, and Tampa, FL, released Sept. 15, 2000.

Maverick Media

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[Music] Male Annnouncer: Uno de cada cinco niños que nace en este país, es Latino. 

Su educación no es solo su futuro, sino el futuro del país.

George W. Bush sabe que cuando hay educación, hay oportunidad.

El quiere que todo niño lea bien, que sus padres puedan elegir la mejor escuela para ellos y quiere hacer responsables a las escuelas de los resultados.

Governor Bush: Para mí, la educación es numero uno, porque nuestros hijos merecen lo mejor.

[Music] Male Annnouncer: One out five children born in this country is Latino.

Their education will not only define their future, but the future of our nation.

George Bush knows that an education will bring opportunity.

He wants each child to read well; that parents can choose the best school for their children; and that schools are held responsible for their performance.

Governor Bush: To me, education is a first priority.  Our children deserve only the best.