Bush for President, Inc.

"New Americans" 
30 sec. TV spot run in OH, PA, FL and WA starting July 20, 2000.

Maverick Media

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[Music] Female Announcer: A lot of new Americans arrived today.

They were neither Republican nor Democrat.

But someone held them close and hoped.

Be healthy.  Learn a lot.

It takes leadership to give everyone a shot at the American dream.

To make sure every child learns to read. 

To strengthen social security.

To Keep America strong.

To unite, not divide and let every American look at the White House and be proud.

George W. Bush for president.


Background: "New Americans" is one of three ads released less than two weeks before the Republican National Convention.  This ad and "Once" have the Madison Avenue touch and are very much "feel good" ads, with faces of people young and old and at work and play.  Bush himself is only shown at the very end of the ad.  The ad nicely appeals to those who are not strong partisans ("They [the New Americans] were neither Republican nor Democrat.") and at the same time takes a jab at Clinton ("...look at the White House and be proud").