Democratic National Committee

30 sec. TV spot  Oct. 23-Nov. 2000 in

A. Gutierrez & Associates, Inc.

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Announcer: Niños. [Music in background: Twinkle, twinkle little star...]

Nuestro orgullo, nuestro futuro, nuestra sagrada responsabilidad. 

George W. Bush se opuso a la extensión de cuidado de salud a 220 mil más niños. [Source: Austin American Statesman, 2/26/99]

Un juez federal declaró que Texas no provée cuidado de salud adecuado.  [Source: U.S. District Court Opinion, 8/14/00]

Haciendo a los niños a un lado, Bush tiene al abogado de Texas peleando la decisión.

El Plan de Bush: si voltea su espalda a los niños de Texas; que le hará a los demás.

Announcer: Children

Our pride, our future, our sacred responsibility.

George W. Bush opposed the expansion of health care for 220 thousand more children.

A federal judge declared that Texas does not provide adequate health care.

Ignoring the needs of the children, Bush has his Attorney General fighting the case.

The Bush Plan: if he turns his back on Texas' children, what will he do to the rest of our children.

Background: There was also a 60-second radio version of this ad and a print ad.