DNC-Democratic Victory 2000, Inc.

30 sec. TV spot run in about 17 states from June 15-18, 2000. 

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Music [No announcer; text is shown on screen]

"Don't ever doubt the impact
that fathers have on children."

"Children with strong fathers learn trust..."

"That they're wanted,
they have value."

"Boys learn from their fathers, 
how to be fathers.
I know I did." --Al Gore

The Gore Plan:
Promote Responsible Fatherhood
Extend Family & Medical Leave
End the Marriage Penalty for working families

Happy Father's Day


Background: A somewhat poetic ad, "Fatherhood" has no announcer; instead the words are shown on the screen.  The ad opens with about 15 seconds of still photos and video clips of Gore and his family.  Stock images of families accompany the "Gore Plan" section.  Bringing the ad to a close are about 2 seconds of Gore family.