Forbes 2000, Inc.

30 sec. TV spot run in Iowa starting Jan. 16, 2000, and in NH in late Jan. 2000. 

Eisner | Johnson
Political Consultancy

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Footage of various people:

Steve Forbes.

I like him.

I like him.

Because he's not a politician.

He's innovative.

He's independent.

The special interests don't own Forbes.

He's honest.

He always gives a straight answer.

He's a man of his word. 

He's a family man.

A businessman.

He's a leader.

Steve Forbes.

He's not a politician.

He doesn't dodge questions.

He's consistent.

Strong morals.

Forbes has integrity.

I like him.

I trust him.

He'll keep his word.

Character matters--a lot.

Footage of Steve Forbes
Super:  Steve Forbes for President   Paid for by Forbes 2000, Inc.