Gore/Lieberman, Inc.

"I Want... 2"
30 sec. TV spot  run starting late October 2000.

EMM Creative of Bethesda, MD 
(Pablo Izquierdo)

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[Music: National Anthem on Spanish guitar] 
Man: Cuando voy al médico, no quiero preocuparme por la factura.

Woman: Queremos salud con dignidad.

[Music up.  Images of Gore]
Chyron: Al Gore quiere:  luchar contra grandes compañías farmacéuticas...  auténtico beneficio de recetas bajo Medicar...

Young Man: Estoy ahorrando para sacar mi doctorado.

Woman: Quiero sentirme satisfecha de que mis niños van a poder ir a la escuela.

[Music up.  Images of Gore]
Chyron: Al Gore quiere:  educación pre-escolar universal para niños de 4 años...   deducciones fiscales de 10 mil dólares para la universidad...

Man: Con Gore, sí puedo.

Girl: ...sí puedo.

Woman: ...sí puedo.

Young Man: Voy a ser profesor para ayudar a otros como yo.

Voiceover: Vote por su futuro.  Vote por Al Gore.

Music: National Anthem on Spanish guitar] 
Man: When I visit the doctor, I don't want to have to worry about the bills.

Woman: We want health...with dignity.

[Music up.  Images of Gore]
Chyron: Al Gore wants:  to take on the big pharmaceutical companies...  a real Medicare prescription drug benefit...

Young Man: I am saving for my graduate degree.

Woman: I want to be sure that my kids will be able to attend school.

[Music up.  Images of Gore]
Chyron: Al Gore wants:  universal pre-school education for 4-year olds...   tax deductions of $10 thousand for college...

Man: With Gore, I can.

Girl: ...I can.

Woman: ...I can.

Young Man: One day I will be a teacher so I can help others like me.

Voiceover: Vote for your future.  Vote for Al Gore

Background: Like "Rostros" this ad has an aspirational message, but it goes a little further and weaves issues in.