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Ruy Teixeira and Joel Rogers.  June 2000.  AMERICA'S FORGOTTEN MAJORITY: Why the White Working Class Still Matters.  New York: Basic Books.
"In the dogged pursuit of 'soccer moms' and 'wired voters' most American politicians have overlooked a group that makes up more than 1/2 of the electorate -- the white working class.  ...Ruy Teixeira and Joel Rogers return the focus to this overlooked group and explain why they will determine the future direction of American politics."

Charles Lewis and the Center for Public Integrity.  January 2000. THE BUYING OF THE PRESIDENT 2000. New York: Avon Books.
In THE BUYING OF THE PRESIDENT 2000, Charles Lewis and the Center for Public Integrity shine their spotlight on the special (and often secret) interests that have heavily invested in the politicians who are seeking the nation's highest office. >

Rhodes Cook.  January 2000.  RACE FOR THE PRESIDENCY: Winning the 2000 Nomination.  Washington, DC: Congressional Quarterly.
"RACE FOR THE PRESIDENCY explains it [the presidential nominating process], outlines the historical roots, and lays out the rules that each political party uses state by state, such as filing deadlines, ballot access, and primary dates and polling hours.  The state-by-state details are supplemented by an overview introduction in which the author explains the background and evolution of the system..."

Michael L. Goldstein.  October 1999.  GUIDE TO 2000 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION.  Washington, DC: Congressional Quarterly Books.
"...Michael L. Goldstein, a political science professor at Claremont College, has written a short, uncomplicated guide for students and citizens...  GUIDE TO THE 2000 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION covers the primaries and cauuses, the national conventions, and the fall campaign season.  Brief profiles of the people expected to run for president as Democrats, Republicans, third-party candidate, or independents help students understand the choices Americans face in the presidential election.  The guide also contains numerous tables and figures, exercises for students, brief bibliographies and online sources."

The League of Women Voters.  1999.  CHOOSING THE PRESIDENT: A Citizen's Guide to the 2000 Election.  New York: The Lyons Press.
"CHOOSING THE PRESIDENT 2000 was written for the League of Women Voters Education fund by William H. Woodwell, Jr., a Washington, DC-area writer and editorial consultant.  This completely rewritten edition is part of a proud League tradition of providing a step-by-step guide to the process by which we choose our presidents.  ...[A] thorough yet accessible and completely nonpartisan look at the players and events, explaining every important landmark on the road to the White House..."

Robert D. Novak.  January 2000.  COMPLETING THE REVOLUTION: A Vision for Victory in 2000.  Free Press.

Eleanor Clift and Tom Brazaitis.  August 2000.  MADAM PRESIDENT: Shattering the Last Glass Ceiling.  Scribner.

Jesse Ventura.  August 2000.  DO I STAND ALONE?: Going to the Mat Against Political Pawns and Media Jackals.  Pocket Books.

Al Franken. Jan. 1999. WHY NOT ME?  The Inside Story of the Making and Unmaking of the Franken Presidency.  New York: Delacorte Press.
[political satire] "A detailed examination of Franken's successful race to become the 44th President of the United States and the events leading to his resignation after only 144 days in office..."

 Copyright 2001, 2002 Eric M. Appleman/Democracy in Action.