Longshot Candidates in Action

Photos Copyright 1999 Eric M. Appleman/Democracy in Action.  All rights reserved.

Supporters of Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr. proselytize near a Washington, DC metro stop in July 1999.  LaRouche announced he is seeking the 2000 Democratic Party presidential nomination on July 18, 1998.  He has run for president in every election since 1976; this will be his seventh presidential race.
Caroline P. Killeen, shown here in Manchester, NH in June 1999, has already run twice in the New Hampshire primary.  In 1992 she obtained 96 votes, and 1996, running as "The Hemp Lady," she received 393 votes.  The sign refers to her dog, Tipper. "The dog is part of the formula for turning the country around," Killeen said.  She stated that, "The Littleton affair is really the crushing blow for America." Killeen said that America needs "a mother figure" in the White House, with the qualities of Barbara Bush, Jackie Kennedy and Martha Stewart. Currently living in a shelter in Manchester, Killeen said,  "I have no entourage, no money for staff."  "You just do what you can," she said.