The Des Moines Register Presidential Candidates Debate (Republicans)
Saturday Jan. 15, 2000 at Iowa Public Television in Johnston.  1:00-2:30 p.m. (CST). 

"McCain Leads the Way as Republican Rivals Attack Bush" (New York Times)

"Bush Calls McCain Plan a $40 Billion Tax Hike" (Washington Post)

"Tax tussle" (Des Moines Register)

New York Times--Note "Taking On Bush" at the bottom of page 1 article refers readers to page 14.  On page 14, the left two-thirds of the page, top to bottom, has coverage of the debate.  First is a Reuters photo showing the six candidates posing before the debate.  The article, by the Times' Richard L. Berke, is headlined "McCain Leads the Way as Republican Rivals Attack Bush." Finally there are Excerpts.  Overall the day's paper had four pages with campaign coverage.
Page 1 note: 11/16"
Page 14 article and photo: 116.29 sq" [4 col--(3 col) 12 1/8" x 6 5/16" and (1 col) 19 7/8" x 2"]
Photo: 37.69 sq" [4 col--h 4 1/2" x w 8 3/8"]
Excerpts: 43.42 sq" [2 col--7 5/16" x 5 15/16"]

Washington Post--No front page coverage.  Article on bottom of page A10 headlined "Bush Calls McCain Plan a $40 Billion Tax Hike" and subheaded "Exchanges Get Testy in GOP Presidential Hopefuls' Final Debate Before Jan. 24 Iowa Caucuses" is by the Post's Thomas B. Edsall and Dan Balz.  The accompanying photo by Timothy A. Clary--Agence France-Presse is a medium close up of Bush during the debate framed by Forbes and McCain.
Article and photo: 75.08 sq" [4 col--8 1/16" x 9 5/16"]
Photo: 11.41 sq" [2 col--h 2 1/2" x w 4 9/16"]

Des Moines Register--Extensive coverage: reporting on the debate dominates page one, there are two full pages-plus inside, a commentary, an editorial and a total of 15 photos.  (Note the layout is very similar to that used in the Jan. 9 paper for coverage of the Jan. 8 Democratic debate). 

Front page: Big headline (letters 1 7/16" high) "Tax tussle;" subhead "GOP candidates toughen stands at D.M. forum;" six photos--medium shots of each candidate with a quote from each below; lead article by the Register's Jeff Zeleny and analysis piece by the Register's David Yepsen. 

Page 6A: One column of excerpts down the left side of the page.  Top half of the page has four photos--Forbes arriving at the studio, McCain arriving, Bush and former Gov. Robert Ray after the debate, Keyes and Jim Navarro.  Below that is the continuation of the Zeleny article.  Below that are two photos--Bauer arriving and Hatch arriving.

Page 7A: One column of excerpts down the right side of the page.  At the top of the page is an article by the Register's John McCormick "The undecided ponder their choices."  Below that is a photo of the six candidates on stage waving to the audience before the debate; an article "After debate, spin begins" by the Register's Stephen Buttry and a smaller photo of former governors Ray and Branstad in the audience; finally, a column down most of the left side of the page has quotes from five civic leaders on their reactions to the debate.

Page 8A: Yepsen's analysis piece continues under the headline "Rivals fail to dislodge Bush" and there is also a photo of Keyes supporters holding signs outside the studio.

Page 1B: "John Carlson's Iowa" commentary on the debate is headlined "An occasion for a few chuckles, yucks and giggles."

Page 4AA: Editorial headlined "The GOP's lively show."


Copyright 1999, 2000  Eric M. Appleman/Democracy in Action.