George W. Bush: The Sky's the Limit
Transcript--Running time about 9 1/2 minutes.
Old B&W footage of a baseball game.  Bush voice over, then on camera. GWB: I was a baseball card collector and I used to send 'em to the different players and say, "Hello, I'm George Bush from Midland, Texas; would you sign the card and please send it back to me."  And I still got some of 'em.
Montage of Bush and ranch scenes. Music
Signature Music
Bush driving pickup truck and talking to the camera; a dog is on his lap looking out the window. GWB: I think in order to be a good president, first and foremost you have to know where you want to lead.  I want to lead America to a day that everybody in this country feels that the great American Dream belongs to them as much as anybody else and that they're willing to work for it.
Voice over It was the kind of life that I think that a lot of Americans feel is slipping away--safe for kids everywhere and baseball, barbecues, football games after church.
Bush seated next to wife Laura, outdoors; branches of a tree blowing in the background. Midland's out in the middle of nowhere, really.  It's kind of on the edge and, uh, I know this may sound trite but in the 50s people who went to Midland were pretty daring and were kind of pioneers, entrepreneurial pioneers in many ways.  There used to be a slogan in Midland that said, "The sky's the limit," which really is such an optimistic slogan.  It's how I feel about America really.
BB indoors, seated at table.
Barbara Bush: The kids all were the same.  They all went to public school and then on to high school, and when Robin died, Jebbie was just about three or four months old and George was seven.
GWB: It was a tough time.  The thing I've come away from that is that marriages face stressful situations and sometimes a stressful situation like that can wreck a marriage.  In this case it made my mother and dad's marriage that much stronger and brought them together and brought our family together.
Barbara Bush: But he compensated by trying to make me feel better.  And for about six months George kept big George and me laughing or playing with us or doing things with us, and we on the other hand were trying to do things with him so he wouldn't feel neglected, when suddenly one day I heard him out the window say to Mike Procter, a friend of his, "I'm sorry Mike, I can't come out and play, I have to play with my mother."  And I realized that that caring little boy had, he'd really been entertaining me; I hadn't been entertaining him at all.  So I had to let him go.
love Laura Bush: We met in Midland in 1977.  George had moved back in 1975.
Barbara Bush: He fell so madly in love with her, so quickly.
Laura Bush: It was a whirlwind romance.  I was a school librarian then in Austin, Texas and I came home for a couple weeks in the summer to stay with my parents, and George and I met then.
Barbara Bush: And George knocked on the door and he said, "Mother I want you to meet Laura Welch.  She's the girl I have to marry."  And I said what.  And he meant "I'm going to marry."
Laura Bush: Married right away and then I moved back to Midland.  And that was a very sweet time in our lives.  That was when we had our children.
responsibility GWB: It was a great moment when they were born and, uh, I was in the delivery room and it was just an incredible feeling of life and the preciousness of life and I realized I was responsible.   I was responsible for helping them grow up in a safe and secure home, that I was responsible for loving them with all my heart and all my soul, that I was going to be responsible for helping them get a good education.  And these girls mean more to us than anything.  They've just graduated from high school and it just seems like yesterday that we were at the hospital having birth,...[GWB and Laura Bush laugh].
pickup truck footage
GWB: I like to laugh and I like to laugh with people and you know sometimes I find myself you know I need to laugh at some of the things I say.  I'm a person who likes to smile.
appeal to Hispanics and Democrats; invokes the "family values" theme Carlos M. Ramirez, Mayor of El Paso, Democrat: The governor has family values that are very dear to Hispanics.  We have seen that.  He embraces those family values.  We have those family values so we identify with him.
GB indoors, seated at table. George Bush: But you know they're the same values that everybody here teaches their own kids.  Be honest, tell the truth, give somebody else credit.
pickup truck footage GWB [Music swells]: This country is so...the values are so strong and the concept of entrepreneurship or family, freedom...such a powerful, powerful part of the American experience that somebody who's newly arrived to this country can be just as an American as somebody who's been here for generations.
outside footage
compassionate conservatism
GWB: Well, a wonderful man named John White asked me to come and work with him in a project in the 3rd Ward of Houston called Project P.U.L.L.; it was a mentoring program.
Ernie Ladd, Co-founder P.U.L.L.: The meaning of P.U.L.L. was Professionals United Leadership League.  We had professional people who were school teachers, football players, basketball players, lawyers and doctors involved in helping go into the community and help minority kids.
GWB: I realized then that a society can change and must change one person at a time and, but it was a place that was full of activity and energy and kids were, you know kids were coming from tough circumstances.  I saw that first hand one night when I took a little boy who I took a shining to, named Jimmy Dean, I took him home and situation I had never seen before.  It was a living room with his mom, looked like she was on drugs and there was a bunch of hanger on-ers and smoke-filled and this was this boys home, and it was tragic and sad that he was growing up in such a tough environment, an environment that where the love that I had known as a child--it seemed like the drugs and alcohol abuse had replaced that love.  And unfortunately the story ends on a sad note.  My little friend was shot when he became a teenager and died.
God Ernie Ladd: We are all made in the image of God regardless of the color of skin and George Bush was a part of our working in the south of the city of Houston.  The city of Houston can be very well thankful for George Bush and John White.
in study

voice over

in study

GWB: One of the great challenges of our generation is to assume responsibility and lead.

We started as the if it feels good do it generation.  But now we're moms and dads and business leaders and teachers.  If we don't help others, if we don't step up and lead, who will?

It's one of the reasons I ran for governor of Texas.

education Phyllis Hunter READ for Texas: I have seen a big difference since he has been governor of the state of Texas in the amount of supports that we have to help us as educators reach the standards  He said if you need it, we'll get it for you.  We have websites, we have grant programs, we have teacher training in the state of Texas, and we have George leading the way.  George W.  People ask me why have I followed him so intently in this education and reading.  I followed him because he has been a leader; he has been leading the way.
video clip from speech GWB: Reading is the new civil right, and inherent in that statement is this profound knowledge, and it's if you can't read, you can't access the American Dream.
video clip of GWB in classroom surrounded by kids reading from letter GWB: Dear Governor Bush.  Thank you for coming to our school and for you visit.  Thank you for trying to be our president.  We hope that a lot of people vote for you.  --So do I.  [laughter].  We hope that you'll make the world safer and that there will be no more bad guys.
voice over
inspirational close
GWB: America's more than just another country; America's more than just a place.  It's an ideal.
video clip from speech GWB: Teddy Roosevelt said it's hard to fail but it's worse never to have tried.  Our great country was built by people who never gave up and never gave in.
Ronald Reagan: Mr. Gorbachev tear down this wall...
John F. Kennedy: Ask not what your country can do for you...
Martin Luther King, Jr.: I have a dream that...
GWB:  Dreamers and doers who took risks and sometimes failed but then rose above failure to achieve great and good things.
Nixon (message to Apollo astronauts): Because of what you have done the heavens have become a part of man's world.  [Beep].
Signature Music
pickup truck footage GWB: I'm confident I can do the job that people want me to do.  I'm a proud member of my party, but I'm more than that; I'm an American.  I love my country.  I love what America stands for.   I'm going to remind people that we're lucky to be Americans.
view of the back of the pickup truck as it drives off... Signature Music concludes

Bush appears on stage to "We the People" music and applause.