Republican Presidential Debate
Sunday Nov. 21, 1999 at Grady Gammage Auditorium on the campus of Arizona State University in Tempe, AZ.  8:00-9:00 p.m. (MST). 
Transcript The Questions
Questions submitted by GOP precinct committeemen and students; divided into three categories--economic, social and foreign policy. Michael Minnaugh, chair of the Arizona Republican Party, chose ten questions from each category and the moderator then picked from that group.  

Opening statements.

1. (NOVAK): Okay, our first question, our first question concerns an issue of great importance to the American people: Social Security.  This morning Governor Bush said that he might consider raising the retirement age to save Social Security.  Do you think that's a good idea and, if not, how would you save Social Security? 

2. (HOOK): All right gentlemen, let's move on to another topic that is of great frustration to many Americans--health care.  Rising HMO premiums; people sense out there declining care.  Do you favor any national strategy dealing with health care and what reforms would you make? 

3. (NOVAK): In all probability the next president of the United States will very early in his term have the extremely important responsibility of picking a new justice of the Supreme Court.  Who would be your role model for your first justice named to the Supreme Court of past or present justices?

4. (HOOK): I want to shift gears a little bit, talk about international policy for a minute.  Should the United States have forces deployed in regions and countries where we have no immediate security interest? 

5. (NOVAK): In his recent meeting with Boris Yeltsin, President Clinton was unable to influence the Russian assault on Chechnya.  If you were president of the United States, what would you do about that?  In general what would you do about Russian policy?

6. (HOOK): Question about gun control in this country.  We've seen terrible tragedies throughout this land.  Are there ways to protect the Second Amendment and still put restrictions on guns?  Ninety-one percent of Americans say they favor at least some repsonsible limits on the guns that are out there.

7. (NOVAK): Gentlemen, if there were a fifth podium on this stage and the governor of Texas were standing behind it, what would you ask or say to Governor Bush?

8. (HOOK): ...This'll have to be brief in order to give time for your concluding remarks.  Your role models, the influences on your life. Tick them off for us.

Closing statements.

Copyright 1999  Eric M. Appleman/Democracy in Action.